How to add animated flying twitter bird to blogger

Have you ever seen a small twitter bird flying in a webpage? When you scroll down and up in pages, the bird flies and moves its position to your new screen. When you hover your mouse cursor to the bird, it says 'Follow me' or something, clicking where you end up to a new twitter page where you can follow the author of that website. It is really cool. Here is a simple trick using which you can also add a flying twitter bird into your blog which will give your viewrs to follow you on twitter. Here is how you can do it: 

Step 1: Sign in to your blogger account. Go to Blogger Dashboard. 
Step 2: Go to Design tab and click on 'Edit HTML' and Proceed.
Step 3: Now hit Ctrl+f and put </body> in the search box. When you find </body> , copy the following code and paste it just above </body> tag. 

<script type="text/javascript">
var twitterAccount = "YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT NAME";
var tweetThisText = " <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> ";
<span style="font-size:11px;position:absolute;"><a title='Blogger Widget by LaL' href="" target='_blank'></a></span>
<!--  animatedTwitter Bird Widget for Blogger by -->

Step 4: You need to do a small editing in the piece of code. In place of YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT NAME put Your Twitter Username. 
Step 5: 3. Save Your Template. That's It. Now You're Done. Now visit your blog and you should see a twitter bird which will fly accross the page when you scroll up or down. Did you see it?? You are a genious. Enjoy!!!