How to add a New Style Facebook Share Button Below Post Title in Blogger

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Getting some more visitors from Facebook can be really good in improving your daily visitor count for your blog. You are writing great content on your blog, they may help many others but its still remain unnoticed? Your content needs some time to get indexed by search engines because the search engine bots has to traverse your page and index it in their database. But would you like to wait for months to search engines to bring traffic to your content? Obviously not. That is why sharing links to your content on social media can
really help getting some decent audience. Adding a share button below the post title of your blog can help you increase sharing rate. If you readers like your writings they will feel compelled to share it among their friends. So, lets add a Facebook share button below every post of your blog.
Step I: Log into your Blogger account and in your Dashboard, move to Template.
Step II: Click on 'Edit HTML' and then click on Proceed if required.
Step III: When the HTML is ready to edit, search for  . Use CTRL+F to search for the string.
Step IV: After you see  , add the following code just above this line. Before you do that, check if you get  more than once in your template. If you find it more than once, then paste the code above the second appearance of the tag instead of the first one.
<div class="facebook-share">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='BUTTON-TYPE-TO-ADD'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Step V: Now customize your button. In place of BUTTON-TYPE-TO-ADD put any one of the following as per your choice. The name and meaning are given accordingly.
  1. box_count for displaying a full tall button with counter
  2. button_count for displaying a small button with counter
  3. button for displaying a button without counter
  4. icon for displaying a small thumb (without counter)
Step VI: Save your template by Clicking on 'Save Template' button and you successfully added the Facebook share button to your blog. Now if you want to see it is perfectly working or not just open your blog and testify yourself. You should see a Facebook share button below every post title in your blog. If you have any problem or question, please comment below. Thanks.


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