A step by step guide to make money on YouTube – a beginner’s guide

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First thing first, Can YouTube really earn me any money? If yes, how much?
Well, to answer this questions, I will say a big Yes. Yes, you can definitely and legitimately earn money from YouTube. Many of the social media marketers are earning good amount of money from their YouTube videos. But to answer how much money you can earn from YouTube, I must say it varies for various publishers. It may be $100 per day or $1000 per day or $100 a month or $1000 in a month or in some period. No one can tell exactly how much you are going to earn from YouTube videos. It completely depends on how much visitors you get to your YouTube videos. As much visitors you get, your earning will be proportionate to that amount. If you don’t know how to achieve this, I will tell you how.

This is a beginner’s guide to make money on YouTube. I am well aware that most of the people doing online business or involved in blogging, online marketing, social media marketing know how to make money with Youtube. You can earn a decent amount of money uploading and sharing your personal videos to YouTube. If you are one of the experienced bloggers or the social media marketers, then this article is definitely not for you. I am going to describe the step by step process to earn money through YouTube videos for the beginners. So, this is a step by step beginner’s guide to make money on YouTube.

What you need to make money on YouTube: Prerequisites  

  1. An account with Google: Yes, Youtube is a Google product and you need a google account to login to YouTube. If you already have a gmail account then just sign in to YouTube via that logon credentials. If you do not have an account with Google, then sign up for one, then log in to YouTube.
  2.  Original and high quality(optional) videos: You need some videos to upload to YouTube. The videos should be unique and copyright free, in other words the videos are made by you. You can upload any kind of videos to YouTube, whether it be a video of your last night party with your friends, a moving train or a tutorial video to do something or anything you like. Note that, you cannot upload pornographic or sexually explicit videos to YouTube. You can try uploading such videos to get banned by Google. The quality of the videos should good, preferably in high definition, but this is optional. You can upload low quality videos also to YouTube and YouTube will not bar you to upload videos based on quality. But, good quality videos are advisable because it will be more pleasurable to your viewers. You can copy videos from somewhere else and upload to YouTube, but this will not enable you to monetize the video. Google will not entertain your application for monetization with duplicate videos.
   3. Visitors and subscribers to your videos. People will subscribe to your YouTube channel if they like your videos and they will come again and again whenever you post new videos to your channel. Make a plan how you will circulate the link of your YouTube videos through various social media sharing or any other legitimate means.

What you need to do to set up your YouTube channel?

Step 1: Log in to YouTube using your Google account and go to your profile. Click on ‘Create a Channel’ to set up your new YouTube channel. Note that you can give any name to your channel. It can be your real name, any keyword like dancing videos, health tips, blogging tips and tricks or anything. Using a keyword which has a good amount of searches in Google everyday can be beneficial in getting traffic to your channel. But whatever name you give, make it simple. Do not use complicated words or phrases.
Step 2: Click on Video Manager. Video Manager is a store of all your YouTube videos. You can see all your videos uploaded to YouTube in one place. You can categorize your videos, add descriptions to individual videos from Video Manager.
Step 3: Upload your unique videos to your YouTube channel. Write something about the video in the video description. Add some relevant tags to the description. The tags will enable YouTube to categorize your videos and to show them to appropriate viewers.
Step 4: Now the most important part comes. Click on ‘View Additional Features’ option in the side panel. In the additional features, you will see an option YouTube Monetization. This is nothing but the YouTube revenue sharing program of Google Adsense. Now, click on ‘Enable Monetization’ button. There, click on ‘Enable my account’ option. You are almost done now. Just read the terms and conditions and agreement for monetization. You need to accept those terms by clicking ‘I Accept’ button.
Step 5: Now all you have to do is wait for 24 hours. You will get an email within 24 hours regarding the YouTube monetization. After reading the instructions in the email, go to Video manager in your YouTube channel and you will get an option for monetization in each of your videos. Just enable that option and you are done. Now concentrate on getting visitors to your YouTube channel by sharing it to social media sharing websites or by any other means and happy earning.
Hope this article helps. If it helps you, please share it with your friends. Thank you.

How to add a New Style Facebook Share Button Below Post Title in Blogger

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Getting some more visitors from Facebook can be really good in improving your daily visitor count for your blog. You are writing great content on your blog, they may help many others but its still remain unnoticed? Your content needs some time to get indexed by search engines because the search engine bots has to traverse your page and index it in their database. But would you like to wait for months to search engines to bring traffic to your content? Obviously not. That is why sharing links to your content on social media can
really help getting some decent audience. Adding a share button below the post title of your blog can help you increase sharing rate. If you readers like your writings they will feel compelled to share it among their friends. So, lets add a Facebook share button below every post of your blog.
Step I: Log into your Blogger account and in your Dashboard, move to Template.
Step II: Click on 'Edit HTML' and then click on Proceed if required.
Step III: When the HTML is ready to edit, search for  . Use CTRL+F to search for the string.
Step IV: After you see  , add the following code just above this line. Before you do that, check if you get  more than once in your template. If you find it more than once, then paste the code above the second appearance of the tag instead of the first one.
<div class="facebook-share">
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='BUTTON-TYPE-TO-ADD'/>
<script src='http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share' type='text/javascript'/>

Step V: Now customize your button. In place of BUTTON-TYPE-TO-ADD put any one of the following as per your choice. The name and meaning are given accordingly.
  1. box_count for displaying a full tall button with counter
  2. button_count for displaying a small button with counter
  3. button for displaying a button without counter
  4. icon for displaying a small thumb (without counter)
Step VI: Save your template by Clicking on 'Save Template' button and you successfully added the Facebook share button to your blog. Now if you want to see it is perfectly working or not just open your blog and testify yourself. You should see a Facebook share button below every post title in your blog. If you have any problem or question, please comment below. Thanks.

How to Add a pop-up Social Sharing Window With Countdown Timer to Your Blogger Blog

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In a post I have written previously, I demonstrated how to add a Facebook pop-up Like box to your blog. Now what if there is not only Facebook in the pop-up box but have more social sharing buttons like Twitter, Google+, Stumble Upon sharing buttons? That will be cool right? Your visitors will land into your blog and find the Social Sharing pop-up when the page loads and you might end up getting your blog page shared to some social network sites by

some of the visitors. This will boost the social appearance of your blog and possibly drive a large amount of traffic from social media. The pop-up I am going to discuss will pop-up for a period of 30 seconds and asks your visitor to share or wait for the specified time. He/she may close the window if he/she wish to.

What is the benefit to add social sharing pop-up?

You know that social media takes a major role in driving traffic in this social media age. Many people come to visit your site from links they found on social media websites like facebook or twitter. So what is the fall if you get your content shared by some of your visitors to their respective social profiles and consequently their friends also comes to visit your blog? That will help to boost the daily page visit of your site. So why not add one? Lets start with the process of adding this social media sharing button pop-up to your blog.

Steps to add Social Media sharing button Pop-up box to Blogger:

Step I: I presume that you are logged into your blogger account and in your specific blog Dashboard. If you are not logged in, you have to log into your account.
Step II: Go to Layout. Then add a new HTML/Javascript Gadget wherever you want in your blog.

Step III: copy the following code snippet and paste it into the HTML/Javascript widget.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=" https://googledrive.com/host/0Bxkt_m71GCSOX1U2VDR5UkNnejA">
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript" src=" https://googledrive.com/host/0Bxkt_m71GCSObGxYem1CSWJBUGc">
$().socialTrafficPop({timeout: 30,
title: "Welcome To TechBhuvan.com ",                   
message: 'Please Sahre and <em>Help Us To Grow</em>! ',
google_url: "https://plus.google.com/u/0/104145073681843312357",
google_size: "tall",
fb_url: "http://www.facebook.com/TechBhuvan",
fb_layout: "box_count", closeable: true,
advancedClose: false,
opacity: '0.45',
twitter_on: true              
Remember to change the facebook and Google+ URL marked yellow in the above code with your respective URLs.
Step IV: Save your gadget and Save your template. You are done adding the pop-up social media button window. Now if you want to check it is working or not, open your blog URL in the browser and see for yourself. If you liked this post please share among your friends. If you have any question or confusion, please write a comment in the below comment window. Thanks. 

How to Make money using Twitter

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Yes, This is not a myth. Although, making money online is not an easy task. But you can really earn some extra money with Twitter. Yes, you read it correctly. You can earn money from your twits. I will tell you how. There is huge competition in the online market and most people trying to earn some quick bucks in the Internet fails to earn any money because of their impatience and urge for easy money.make-money-with-twitter You should always remember that easy money is a myth other than if you are not gambling or selling drugs. A person needs to work hard to earn money online. However, there are many real and legitimate ways to earn money online. Today, we spend hours on social media Twitting, Facebook sharing and in other social networking sites. However, few people know that they can earn money using the power of social media. Social media marketing is growing extensively and gaining popularity. Most business organizations are trying to expanding their market and gain profit with the help of social media marketing. But how one simple user of social media can earn money? Yes, this is possible. But you need patience and some work to earn money. You can earn money with Twitter using some tricks. Games and apps on Facebook has become a popular option to make money online. But everyone cannot afford to create a game on Facebook or not able to create an app which will make revenue. But in twitter, you do not need to program any app or game. You can earn money just for twitting. I am going to tell you how. There are numerous ways to earn money from your tweets. But I will discuss only the best options.

What you need to make money using Twitter?

To make money from Twitter, you will need-
A Twitter account (obviously). If you don’t have one, then create one. Twitter does not distinguish between person, company or any other thing. So, you can create a Twitter account for your personal name, your company or your website or blog. 
Get some decent amount of followers. Twitter followers are those, who follows you and gets any tweet you post on your twitter account. To make money, get as many follower as you can. Your earning will be somewhat directly proportional to number of your followers. 
Tweet regularly and have at least 50 twits on your account. Tweet about interesting things, so that people get encouraged to follow you and click on your twits.
Always maintain a basic standards for your tweets so that people do not feel compelled to unfollow you.
Share links and images in your tweets. You can share any interesting link you have read on a blog, on a news portal etc.

How to start making money with Twitter?

The following options will help you making money with Twitter.
1. Sponsored tweets: Sponsored Tweets is the most popular option to earn money with Twitter. sponsored tweetsSponsored tweet is a well known service with a large number of users. This service uses a Pay-Per-Click(PPC) option for your tweets. You can also set the amount you want to charge for each click. You can choose the ads you tweet from a list of ads which is updated regularly. To get started with Sponsored Tweets you should have at least 50 followers , 100 tweets in your profile and an account which is 60 days older for signing up and get qualified to sponsored tweets. Sponsored Tweets has a referral program too. You can place referral link on other social media platforms or you can place referral banner ad on your blog or website to earn profit from referral.
2. Rev Twt: Rev Twt is another popular advertising platform based on Twitter tweets. Rev Twt has a simple formula, as much follower you have you have the probability of earning that much. Because this platform uses a Pay-Per-Click(PPC) option, as many clicks your tweet generates, that many amount you earn. revtwtRev Twt works on the basis of two methods, CPC (Cost per Click) or CPT (Cost per Thousand Followers). You have the option add multiple twitter accounts in Rev Twt to make more money. Payments are made via paypal when you reach a minimum of $ 20 in your account.
3. MyLikes: MyLikes is another popular option to earn money on Twitter. You can use MyLikes on other platforms too like your blog, tumbler and YouTube.mylikelogo You can choose from thousands of advertisers and you can also schedule the time when the advertisement will be tweeted from your twitter account. You can earn around $ 0.50 per click on your tweets and you can get a payout per week. MyLike can be a good option if you want to use it on multiple platforms and have a large number of followers.
4. BIT.LY: BIT.LY can be another option to earn money on tweets. You can easily monetize valuable contents you are sharing to social media with BIT.LY. However you would not be getting paid per click, PPC method is not followed by BIT.LY. Instead of PPC, you will need to create a profile based on your interests then advertisers can choose your account to publicize a campaign. You need to agree to send some tweets at specific schedule and you will get paid.

How to add Facebook Pop up Like box into blog using HTML/Javascript Gadget

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You must have seen my previous blog post on this same topic, How to add a pop up like box for Facebook into your blogger blog or any website. Here is the link to the previous post. But
i think that post was a bit complicated for beginner bloggers and for those who does not have
much knowledge of javascript and web designing. There is a simpler way to achieve the same task. You can easily add a pop-up Facebook Like box in a lightbox style which will link to your blogs official Facebook page and will show up some of the faces who have already liked your page. The pop-up Like box appears in a lightbox style, i.e you see when you click on a photo in Facebook, The image opens up in zooming itself and the background content remains static. The pop-up Likebox appears the same way. The viewer can either hit 'Like' or close the window to browse further. This can be done using an HTML/Javascript gadget and without going to edit your blogs template. I will now show you step by step how to add the pop-up Like box for Facebook into your blogger blog.
Step I: Log in to your Blogger Dashboard and go to the blog where you want to add the Facebook pop-up likebox.
Step II: Click on Layout and then Add a Gadget. Select an HTML/Javascript gadget to add.
Step III: On the newly opened window for HTML/JavaScript gadget, copy and paste the following code.
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js' 
#techBhuvanFBlike {
margin:-220px 0 0 -375px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: -220px 0 0 -375px;
#techBhuvanfanclose {
.removefbborder {
margin:0 auto;

<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery.cookie = function (key, value, options) {

// key and at least value given, set cookie...
if (arguments.length > 1 && String(value) !== "[object Object]") {
options = jQuery.extend({}, options);

if (value === null || value === undefined) {
options.expires = -1;

if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);

value = String(value);

return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=',
options.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '',
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '',
options.secure ? '; secure' : ''

// key and possibly options given, get cookie...
options = value || {};
var result, decode = options.raw ? function (s) { return s; } : decodeURIComponent;
return (result = 
new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)')
.exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null;
<script type='text/javascript'>
if($.cookie('popup_user_login') != 'yes'){
$('#fanclose, #fan-exit').click(function(){
$.cookie('popup_user_login', 'yes', { path: '/', expires: 7 });
<div id='techBhuvanFBlike'>
<div id='BMSboxexit'></div><div id='BMSfanbox'>
<div id='techBhuvanfanclose'></div><div class='removefbborder'></div>
<iframe allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' 
src='//www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=<span style="color: #ff0000;">
style='border: none; overflow: hidden; margin-top: -19px; width: 402px; 
height: 230px;'></iframe>
Step IV: Save your gadget. Then Save your template. You are done. Now test your blog opening it in browser whether it is working properly or not.
If you have liked this post, please share among your friends. If you have any query, please comment below. Thanks.  

Make your friends Wipe their Facebook screen

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Hi everyone, this is a cool Facebook status update trick. Using this, you can play prank on your friends and make them wipe their Facebook screen fooling them that there are dirty spots in their screen. When you post an update, it will carry some blurry dirty spots which will spread across up and down of your normal status update area, and will give a look that there are dirt in the screen. The screen will look somewhat similar to following.wipeIsn’t it really cool? Well, let me proceed with the steps to teach you do this.

    First, go to Zalo text Generator by following this link>>. You will be landing in a page like following.zalo
Enter any text you want to the blue marked area. Apply options as your choice.
Click on ‘’HE COMES ‘ . Copy the text generated in the other text area.  
Go to your Facebook profile and paste the text you have copied to your status update.   
  Post the status and see the magic. All your friends will see the text as dirty spots scattering on the screen and will try to wipe them up.  
That it. Is not it a really cool prank? If you like this, please share with your friends. Thanks.

How to Make cool Symbols in Facebook or Any Application using Keyboard key Combinations

Here are some beautiful keyboard shortcuts using which you can create many symbols used in chatting or special purposes. Just Press the shortcut and you should get the symbol.

Shortcut              Symbol      Meaning
Alt + 0153............. ™......... Trademark symbol
Alt + 0169............. © ......... Copyright symbol
Alt + 0174............. ® ..........Registered ­ trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 ............ ° ...........Degre ­e symbol
Alt + 0177 ............. ± ...........Plus-or ­-minus sign
Alt + 0182 .............. ¶ ..........Paragr ­aph mark
Alt + 0190 .............. ¾ .........Fractio ­n, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 .............. × ..........Multi ­plication sign
Alt + 0162............... ¢ ..........The ­ cent sign
Alt + 0161............... ¡ ......... ­.Upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191............... ¿ ......... ­upside down question mark
Alt + 1..................... ☺ .........sm ­iley face
Alt + 2 .................... ☻ .........bla­ck smiley face
Alt + 15.................. ☼ ..........su­n
Alt + 12.................. ♀ ...........Female sign
Alt + 11.................. ♂ ...........M­ale sign
Alt + 6.................... ♠ ...........Spade
Alt + 5.................... ♣ ........... ­Club
Alt + 3.................... ♥ ............ ­Heart
Alt + 4.................... ♦ ........... ­Diamond
Alt + 13.................. ♪ ............e­ighth note
Alt + 14................. ♫ ............ ­beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721.... ......... ∑ ........... N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251................ √ ............s­quare root check mark
Alt + 8236.............. ∞ ............ ­infinity
Alt + 24.................. ↑ ............ ­up arrow
Alt + 25.................. ↓ ............ ­down arrow
Alt + 26.................. → .............ri­ght arrow
Alt + 27.................. ← .............l­eft arrow
Alt + 18.................. ↕ ..............u­p/down arrow
Alt + 29.................. ↔ ..............left right arrow

Skype is not working on Ubuntu 13.04 | How to Solve the Problem

Is your Skype program not working properly on Ubunut 13.04 Raring Ringtail? Some people have experienced problems in using Skype after they have installed Ubuntu 13.04 or they
have upgraded to Ubuntu 13.04. Well, if you are experiencing the same problem , you are certainly not alone having the same problem. And here I am to help you troubleshoot the problem of Skype on Ubuntu13.04. People with Nvidia graphics drivers are mostly having this problem with Skype, like Skype not opening or it gets crashed. Here is how you can solve the problem and run Skype on Ubuntu 13.04 properly.

1. To solve problem of Skype not working in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail with proprietary Nvidia or AMD graphics drivers, let us first rename the Skype executable from "skype" to "skype-bin". Do run this line in your Terminal:
sudo mv /usr/bin/skype /usr/bin/skype-bin

2. In second step, Let us create a file called "skype" under the directory /usr/bin/ . We can use Gedit to create a file nammed skype in the mentioned directory as follows(Note that you need to be the root):
gksu gksu gedit /usr/bin/skype

In this file, copy and paste the following code:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1
exec skype-bin "$@"

Now save the file.

3. And in the final step, run the following command in a terminal:
sudo chmod 0755 /usr/bin/skype

You are done. Now your Skype should work in Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail properly. See it Yourself.

If you want to revert the changes made by using the instructions above, run the following commands in your Terminal:
sudo rm /usr/bin/skype
sudo mv /usr/bin/skype-bin /usr/bin/skype

Enjoy the power of Ubuntu.

Some Interesting Facebook Images Part III

In this section, we showcase some interesting images we've got from facebook groups and pages. All the Images are collected from facebook, and not from other sources. We do not claim the rights for the images and the credit for all images goes to the original creditor. If some image is offensive or is a proprietary material of your's then please let us know, We'll remove it ASAP. 


#Flying Duck : Isn't it awesome?

#Watermelon DreamGirl :)

#Be wise in Exams

 #Avatar                                            #Do you want such hoodies? OK, Contact Me !!

#Wel, If you think I live Here, you are wrong!

 #Wise Student                                                     #Everything can do Rajinikanth  

No words for the Above Picture...They are simply magnificent..

#Wish i could Sketch You....

#Sentiment, Emotions

#Pure Beauty.....


#Cannibalism Around the Globe


Some Interesting Facebook Images Part II

In this section, we showcase some interesting images we've got from facebook groups and pages. All the Images are collected from facebook, and not from other sources. We do not claim the rights for the images and the credit for all images goes to the original creditor. If some image is offensive or is a proprietary material of your's then please let us know, We'll remove it ASAP.