How to install and use Java Media Framework (JMF) in Ubuntu LInux

1. Download JMF for Linux from the official oracle website, or you can download a JMF version from Google Code using this link:
I tried to compile and run the .bin installer but it showed error. I solved this problem by a trick.
2. Rename the .bin file with .zip extension like(
3. Extract JMF ziped folder to your Home directory.
Run these commands
export JMFHOME=/home/<yourusername>/JMF-2.1.1e
export CLASSPATH=$JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar:.:$CLASSPATH

Installing C shell:
You can install C shell on your existing Unix using the following command:
 sudo apt-get install tcsh
Now type csh in your terminal to go to C shell. On C shell, run 
setenv JMFHOME /home/mrinmoy/JMF/JMF-2.1.1e/
setenv CLASSPATH $JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar:.:$CLASSPATH
  1. Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (shared libraries path) to point to the JMF libraries. For example:

    If you are using an IDE to develop programs using JMF, you need to add the JMF jar file to your projects external jars, else programs written using JMF library will show some errors. To add JMF to Eclipse IDE, do :
    Start a project on Eclipse, Right Click on the project and click on 'Properties'. In the new window, click on 'Add external jar'. Browse through the directory where you have saved JMF and add jmf.jar.
    Hope this post helps you developing programs using Java Media Framework.